Ako vam se sviđa ova objava, podijelite ju sa svojim prijateljima

Restaurant Quo Vadis prides on its rich selection of various local dishes, especially their famous spicy fish stew. If you like fish stew, shepherd’s stew, spicy stew and many other old local recipes, come to our restaurant and allow the hosts to win you over with their food, the wine, and the sound of the tamburica.

  • Bana J. Jelačića 98
  • 32000 Vukovar
  • Tel: 00385 (0)32/412-948
  • Fax: 00385 (0)32/412-949
  • Mob: 00385 (0)98/311-204
  • E-mail: quovadis.vukovar@gmail.com
Hrvatska turistička zajednica
Ministarstvo turizma RH
Grad Vukovar
Hrvatska gospodarska komora
Turistička zajednica Vukovarsko-srijemske županije